「公開保育を活用した幼児教育の質向上システム」ECEQ®(イーセック/Early Childhood Education Quality System)についてのご紹介ー英語版ーを公開します。
ECEQ®についての詳細は、一般財団法人全日本私立幼稚園幼児教育研究機構のウェブサイトからメニュー「幼児教育の調査・研究」のカテゴリにあるECEQ®(イーセック)(Early Childhood Education Quality System)のページをご覧ください。
CEDEP was commissioned by MEXT as a third-party research institution to implement study about the Early Childhood Education Quality (ECEQ) system developed and implemented by the Early Childhood Care and Education Research Institution of the Japanese Private Kindergarten Federation (JPKF).
The ECEQ is a PD system deeply embedded in the context of ECEC settings comprising a combination of in-house workshops and open classes. The study of the ECEQ conduted by CEDEP examined the perception of kindergarten teachers and ECEQ coordinators who have actually implemented the ECEQ process.
Here is some information about the ECEQ available in English.
Study on the Early Childhood Education Quality (ECEQ) system
CEDEP implemented a study to examine a pioneering system for autonomous and sustaining professional development (PD) for private kindergartens called the Early Childhood Education Quality (ECEQ) system. The ECEQ is a PD system deeply embedded in the context of ECEC settings comprising a combination of in-house workshops and open classes.
This study is important because Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is considering how to subsidise the PD system, perhaps via system like the ECEQ, and it is expected to investigate the possibility of the ECEQ as a system for supporting PD.
The System and Implementation Process of the ECEQ(CEDEP英語サイトへ)
令和元年度 文部科学省委託 幼児教育の教育課題に対応した指導方法等充実調査研究(幼稚園教諭等の指導力や園運営の力の向上の在り方に関する調査研究)「公開保育を活用した幼児教育の質向上システム(ECEQ)」の質的検証 〜園の独自性や多様性を尊重した効果的な学校評価の検討〜
令和2年度 文部科学省委託「幼児教育の教育課題に対応した指導方法等充実調査研究(幼稚園における学校評価に関する調査研究)「公開保育を活用した幼児教育の質向上システム(ECEQ®️)」の質的検証 〜園の独自性や多様性を尊重した効果的な学校評価の検討(追跡調査)〜
Yumi Yodogawa, Sachiko Nozawa & Kiyomi Akita
Supporting self organised professional development in the Japanese context through the Early Childhood Education Quality (ECEQ) initiative
『Early Years』(2022年1月発行)研究成果>論文 掲載ページへ