国際セミナー 「気候変動の時代の幼児教育 潜勢力の関係性のフィールドとしての主観性と学び」|Early Childhood Education in an Era of Climate Change: SUBJECTIVITY AND LEARNING AS A RELATIONAL FIELD OF POTENTIA
- 日時
- 2024年9月24日 (火) 17:00〜19:00
- Date Time
- Tuesday, September 24, 2024 10:00-12:00(CEST)/17:00-19:00(JST)
- 会場 Venue
- オンライン(16:30より入室可)
Online(Zoom webinar opens at 16:30 JST) - 言語 Language
- 日 / 英 同時通訳あり
Japanese-English Simultaneous interpretation available. - お申し込み Registration
- 事前申し込み制(先着1,000名)無料
Free of charge, Advance registration required (first 1,000 applicants)
共催 Joint sponsorship
JSPS for Accelerated International Research: Building Educational Theories and Approaches for New Relationships between Children and Nature: Early Childhood Education in an Era of Climate Change
The Center for Early Childhood Development, Education, and Policy Research(CEDEP)
企画趣旨 / Event aims
This is the second seminar on early childhood education in an era of climate change. Collaborative researchers from Japan, Canada and Sweden will come together and give a seminar from Stockholm University. Prof. Gunilla Dahlberg and Prof. Bodil Halvars will speak on SUBJECTIVITY AND LEARNING AS A RELATIONAL FIELD OF POTENTIA. A study of what else Gilles Deleuze’s and Felix Guattari’s process-ontology, and Felix Guattari’s ethico-aesthetic paradigm can produce, when it comes to the image of the child, learning and living, and for the ecological idea that everything is in transformation, and in connection with everything else.
プログラム / Program
開会挨拶・企画趣旨 / Organizer's greetings and introduction of speakers
講演 / Lecture
ウェビナーの後半では、ボディル・ハルバースが、「木のプロジェクト」における子どもたちの探究プロセスと意味生成を追跡した研究を報告する。ドゥルーズに触発された潜勢力の関係性のフィールドとしての主観性と学びとしての学習の概念(Dahlberg & Elfström, 2014)から、子どもたちの探究プロセスをマッピングすることによって、子どもたちの意味生成が可視化される。このマッピングは、子どもの質問がエコロジカルな問題や持続可能性に関わる複雑な問題に集中していることを示している。これに沿って、教育的な側面が探究される。
In the first part of this webinar Prof. Gunilla Dahlberg is asking if it is the case that the children, the teachers, the parents and the whole Reggio-community have succeeded in opening up an educational project for a new era, through not having the indignity of speaking for the children, rather, through serious listening, and through focusing the event, affect, and the whole relational field of potentiality. Hence, being able to opening up new universes of existence.
In the second part of the webinar, PhD. Bodil Halvars is presenting a study in which children's exploratory processes and meaning-making in a “Tree-project” are followed. By mapping the children's exploratory processes from the Deleuzian inspired concept of learning as a relational field of potentiality (Dahlberg & Elfström, 2014) children’s meaning-making is made visible. This mapping shows how children's questions center on complex issues with connections to ecological issues and sustainability. In line with this didactical aspects will be explored.
指定討論 / Discussion

グニラ・ダールベリ Gunilla Dahlberg, PhD.
Professor emerita of education at Stockholm University, Department of Child and Youth Studies. Since 1971 she has carried out research in the field ECEC. The last three decades she and her colleagues have explored how poststructuralism, process-ontology and more-than human perspectives may contribute to the transformation of the field of ECEC. She was one of the experts writing up the first national curriculum for the Swedish pre-school system. She is a member of the scientific board of Fondazione Reggio Children, Centro Loris Malaguzzi.

ボディル・ハルバース Bodil Halvars, PhD.
Having worked as a teacher in primary and pre-schools, she became a project assistant at Stockholm University College of Teacher Education in 2002 and a lecturer at Stockholm University in 2008, where she received her PhD in Pedagogy in 2010. She is presently Program Director for Preschool Teacher Education, Stockholm University, Department of Child and Youth Studies. She is currently working on a tree project in two early childhood classes.
資料 / Materials クリックでデジタルブックが開きます / Click to open digital book
関連イベント / Related Events
2024.3.9開催 国際セミナー「幼児教育におけるコモン・ワールディングの教育学」|Common Worlding Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education