
CEDEP × Froebel-kan Co.,Ltd. joint research ‘Cooperative Childrearing Revitalization Project’

It is said that human children take a long time to grow and develop, and that childhood is probably the longest of all living organisms. During this period, not only the parents but also various other people are involved in the child's upbringing. It has been pointed out that shared care and cooperative breeding, involving not only blood relatives such as grandparents and relatives, but also non-blood relatives, was originally a characteristic of human child-rearing. However, various studies have shown that in contemporary Japan, due to the declining birth rate and other factors, parents tend to isolate themselves in raising children.

Against this background, this project empirically examines the form of cooperative childrearing with a preschool at its core, and proposes a model for practice. In addition, we aim to stimulate discussion on how to build a modern version of a 'shared and cooperative childrearing society'.
