- 日時
- 2024年7月25日 (木) 13:00〜15:00
- Date Time
- Thursday, July 25, 2024 13:00-15:00 JST
- 会場 Venue
- 教育学部棟 450B|Faculty of Education 450B
- 言語 Language
- 英語|English
- お申し込み Registration
- 事前登録制 無料 先着15名|Free of charge, Advance registration required (first 15 applicants)
プログラム / Program
イギリスのユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン教育学部 幼児教育センター(UCL-IOE)のLynn Ang先生をお招きして【保育・言語発達】というテーマで、研究発表会を行います。皆様でディスカッションできたらと思います。
Inviting Professor Lynn Ang from the University College London, Institute of Education (UCL IOE), we will have a study meeting on the topic “Childcare” and “Language Development.”
Professor Lynn Ang
Professor Lynn Ann is Professor of Early Childhood Education at the Institute of Education, University College London. Her research has focused on conceptualizing children's learning and education, and the social, cultural, policy, and macropolitical
environments that mediate and shape children's experiences from early childhood through primary education. She has a rich knowledge of early childhood curriculum, diversity and equity, international early childhood policy (particularly ECEC in Southeast
Asia and the Asia-Pacific region), and evaluation methodologies. For more information, please visit.
✦Professor Lynn Ang “Play-based learning in fragile contexts”(tentative title)
✦Linlin Ni “Investigation of Chinese Immigrant Mothers’ Anxieties and Childcare Providers' Attitudes: Focusing on Anxiety Arising in Interactions with Preschools”
✦Son Zi Tao “I may not know but I can talk: A discrepancy in Chinese-speaking children’s learning of change-ofstate related verbs and the possible influence of event property”
✦Azusa Nishimura “Psychological Consideration of ‘Agency’ in place of Childcare”
✦Linlin Ni “Investigation of Chinese Immigrant Mothers’ Anxieties and Childcare Providers' Attitudes: Focusing on Anxiety Arising in Interactions with
This study employs the qualitative research method of semi-structured interviews, focusing on the "real voices" of Chinese immigrant mothers that arise in their interactions with preschools in the area of multicultural childcare. 10 Chinese immigrant parents and 15 Japanese childcare providers were interviewed in Chinese and Japanese, respectively, to clarify the actual anxieties of Chinese immigrant mothers and the influencing factors behind these anxieties as well as the attitudes of Japanese childcare providers toward these anxieties.
✦Son Zi Tao “I may not know but I can talk: A discrepancy in Chinese-speaking children’s learning of change-of-state related verbs and the possible
influence of event property”
In Chinese, resultative verb compounds (RVC, constructed by an action verb and a result verb, e.g., bai1duan4 bend-break) refer to State-Change events and monomorphemic action verbs only indicate No-State-Events. Chen (2017) reported that Chinese-speaking children understand RVC very well but misinterprete action verbs as change-of-state meanings. This study investigated how clearness in a state change continuum (defined as property) influences children’s comprehension and production. Children participants were recruited from both rural and urban areas. We divided children into two separate groups, one group (N = 96, MAge = 5.32) was asked to judge whether a given RVC or action verb could be applied to a certain event, and the other group (N = 100, MAge = 5.11) was asked to decsribe what the agent did to the obejct in a short sentence. Analysis on the comprehension found that children’s understanding of RVCs may not be perfect, and higher
clearness contributes to accurate interpretations. Also, children’s misinterpretation of action verbs as state-change meanings could be mitigated if that event has lower clearness. However, analysis on the production showed that though an imperfect production was confirmed only for the location-type events without state changes, children have a good command of both RVC and action verbs under
most of the event occasions. Altogether, this study indicates an interesting discrepancy of Chinese-speaking children’s learning of change-of-state related verbs and that this may be caused by a more detailed description of event property.
✦Azusa Nishimura “Psychological Consideration of ‘Agency’ in place of Childcare”
Recently, Japanese government states that "agency" and "growth of agency" is important for children. In official documents for school and preschool(nursery), we can find some sentences about agency. However, the defenition of "agency" is too vague. Thus, the interpretention of that word is depend on each teachers. In this situation, it is difficul to do care and education in a certain quality. In my study, I did interview for nursery' teachers. The result is not clear at the time, but I introduce some cases of teachers' thinking. I want to discuss about this topic from some views today.